Colombia Outdoor Experience

...your ticket to adventure - without risk

We are an Austrian-Colombian joint venture which specialises in adventure travel to the " most underrated travel destination of the Continent" (Lonly Planet travel guide) principally, but not exclusively, for divers and riders. Created three years ago by Wilfried Ellmer and Soraya Diaz, who have their personal roots and extensive turism and management experience as well in europe as in colombia, Colombia Outdoor Experience has since established a solid reputation for adventure travel that address the issues of today.

Our fundamental ethos is that travel organisation must address the client group's needs.

Tours can be tailored to suit your personal needs, we will endeavour to provide exactly what you want, wherever you want it, and at a competitive price.

Regular tours run by Colombia Outdoor Experience include:

  • Carribean Visit the San Bernardo Islands a Caribbean region far from mass tourism - private beachhouse, own boat, diving and fishing best of the caribbean..
  • Diving Challenges in the Pacific Live Aboard tours for Bigfish divers to unknown Islands in the Galapagos and Cocos Area. - Gorgona and Malpelo(Colombia)
  • Riding vacations in Cardonal for riders and wildlife watchers on our own 800 Head Horse and Cattle Ranch Cardonal - riding nonlimit, crocodile Safari at night, jungletours in small groups...all inklusive.
  • Fire and Ice A trip to the Volcanoe national park a group of active Volcanoes of (5.300-5.700) with extraordinary Flora and Fauna.
  • San Augustin Visit the misterious megalithic culture in the andinean main chain and see the extraordinary stone monuments...
  • Contact us for further information!

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